(586) 778-4962

Serving the Tri-County area

Learn more about Pure Air Mold Removal

What is Peroxyacetic Acid?

Peroxyacetic acid (also known as peracetic acid or PAA) is an organic peroxide based, colorless liquid with a low pH and a strong, pungent, vinegar-like odor. In the concentrated form it is highly corrosive and unstable. PAA is formed from the reaction of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Commercial PAA products contain all three chemicals in an aqueous solution often with stabilizers added. The concentration of PAA as the active ingredient, as well as the mixture of the other ingredients, can vary widely.

PAA is used in food and beverage industries as well as hospitals, healthcare, and pharmaceutical facilities as an antimicrobial agent, surface cleaner and sanitizer. In many meat and poultry establishments is is used on carcasses, parts, trim, and organs to reduce bacterial contamination and food spoilage. It can be applied by a variety of methods including spray cabinet, dip tank, hand spray pump and chiller.

Introducing InstaScope

After a home or building inspection, it can take days for the lab results to come back. InstaScope can evaluate airborne biology instantly and generate reports on-site.

Remove the guesswork of where to sample. Mold can be visible, it can also be airborne. With InstaScope’s unlimited sampling ability, get a whole-area scan and report for every room.